La Gomera Island - Canary Islands
Alajeró is a clear example of sustainable development and constitutes the ideal destination for nature lovers and for tose who want to enjoy the sun, the sea and the peace of its dearly loved places. It is a balcony to the ocean we are washed by, a hint of the memory of yesterday, which remains harmoniously in the present. Alajeró is “the southern path”.
La Gomera is the oldest island of the Canary Archipielago. Of volcanic origin and round shape, its exceptional geographic location and the influence of the Trade Winds provide the island with an endless spring of warm weather. The landscape of La Gomera surprises everyone for its contrasts, enormous rocks, deep ravines, impressive palm trees, blue and crystalline black sand beaches and its unique and matchless Garajonay National Park, declared world heritage by UNESCO, it also holds Monte “del Cedro”, relic from the Tertiary Era and the biggest reserve of rainforest in the world. From the top of “Alto de Garajonay”, 1470 metres high, you can see in sunny days the neighbour islands: La Palma, Tenerife, El Hierro and Gran Canaria.
La Gomera strikes everyone by its wild beauty, the virginity of its landscape and the friendliness and kindness of its people. Enjoying the sun and the beach without rejecting the pleasure of mountain and valley hiking in short distances or simply drive its roads and watch the vast and spectacular “mar de nubes”(sea of clouds) falling down its rough geography is an opportunity thay only this “magic island” may offer. In the south of the island is the sunny region of Alajeró, a wonderful environment full of ravines and terraces that flow from the hill to the mild northern coast, dotted with palm trees, wild almond trees and prickly pears. To this painteresque and white village belong the country houses of Guarimiar, El Cabezo, El Rumbazo, Antoncojo, Targa, Imada y Arguayoda, of unique beauty and local atmosphere.
The cultural interest of this area is to be found in its natural and architectural monuments. Among the former are to be stressed “El Salvador” Church, made of stone from the XVI century whose portico is a Renaissance jewel, and “San Lorenzo”Chapel right next to the impressive “Erque Ravine”, one of the most beautiful places on the island.
The most relevant natural monuments are: “La Caldera”volcano, the only volcanic cone in the island; the “Drago de Agalán”, more the four hundred years old, which is the symbol of the region and the biggest specimen on the island and dwells in “Tajonaje Ravine”; the “Alajeró Cliff”, declared “place of scientific interest”, extremely interesting from the sea where it looks wild and untouchable.
The most important folckloric manifestation is the festivity of “la Virgen de El Paso”, in September, with “chácaras”(large castanets) and drums, typical dances and collections of ballads full of a very special emotive nature.
The local gastronomy stars are fresh fish, pork, and goat meat, “papas arrugadas”(salty skinned potatoes), the good “mojo”(spicy sauce), “almogrote”(sauce made of cheese, tomatoes and pepper), the local goat cheese, almonds, prickly pears and figs as well as the traditional watercress soup. You can also enjoy the typical and industrious confectionery with lard cakes, buns and ringshaped pastry, biscuits, roasted milk, palm tree honey made of “guarapo”(sap of canarian palm tree), they are always on the table and are used as companion with all the desserts.
The local beaches of quiet and crystalline waters, attract those who are looking for the peace of a sunny coast, stony and clear, full of deserted coves. Among all of them are to be stressed “Ereses”, “Las Canteras” and “La Negra”, where its natural beauty remains untouched. Playa de Santiago is an important village of fishing tradition which combines the appeal of a deeply fishing atmosphere with a newly and Peaceful tourism.

The island of La Gomera is very well connected with the rest of the archipelago by sea and by air. Within the island you can choose any destination thanks to its network of taxis and buses (Guaguas)
Taxi Playa de Santiago and Alajeró
Teléfono: 922 895022

Buses (Guaguas)
Click on the image below to go to the Guaguas´website
Click on the image below to go to the Binte´s website
Click on the image below to go to AENA´s website.
Click on the image below to go to ARMAS´s website.
Click on the image below to go to Fred Olsen´s website.
The weather of La Gomera is very similar to the rest of the Canary Islands , a mixture of subtropical climate with variable winds .
La Gomera vary greatly in their climates and landscapes greatly from one part to another of the island, its mountains and its orientation . There are numerous local climates , especially in areas of ravines.
La Gomera has two main climate types , one is north and the other is the South . The northern climate is exposed to winds from the north, is a stable and clean wind , especially in the valleys. This wind also gives a high humidity and continues to be a mixture of sunshine and cloudy weather , raising the humidity .
It is the main climate of the island they live throughout the year .
The southern climate is warm winds which causes temperatures to rise more than when north is very sunny and humid the weather, and where else really sticks not many people live .
A large part of the island of La Gomera is located about 800 meters above sea level, this area is very popular , very wet and very battered by trade winds , which cover the central part of the island steadily.
This area includes Garajonay National Park and Laurel forests .


The days go by in an apparent calm, accompanied by the pace of work of its neighbors.

300 days of sunshine a year
The average annual temperature is 24 degrees. Ideal for lovers of nature and walks.

Playa de Santiago
Great fishing tradition that combines the appeal of a profoundly maritime environment with calm tourism.
La Gomera, cradle of the almogrote
La Gomera has a long culinary tradition. The sea that surrounds her offers her its fruits, the crops are particular, and her gentle and elegant manners lead to typical dishes that often wait to be discovered.
The specialty of La Gomera is almogrote, an ancient sauce, dating back to the Middle Ages, made with hard cheese, pepper, oil and tomato. It is a very interesting paste, with a spicy touch, ideal to accompany bread, or potatoes. Gomeran cheese, made by hand from the milk of three native goat breeds, mixed or not with sheep's milk, is considered by some connoisseurs to be the best fresh cheese in the world.
La Gomera cuisine is based on fresh fish, watercress stews, wrinkled potatoes, pork, cheeses and local wine: white and of the year. Very sweet desserts and, almost all, with palm honey.
The kitchen queen
One of the basic pillars of the cuisine of La Gomera is palm honey, a kind of syrup obtained from the sap of palm trees. In La Gomera there are more than one hundred thousand copies, so its use is very widespread. Boiled and thickened, this particular honey will serve as the raw material for a whole dessert tradition. It is also used in the preparation of cocktails or served with cheese or gofio.
Potatoes and watercress
Potatoes, or potatoes, were brought from America several centuries ago. On this island they are grown in a traditional way, and accompanied by the old fish, a typical Gomeran fish, they give rise to a classic stew of the region and of the entire Canary Islands. Also typical of the island of La Gomera is Potaje de Berros, especially when it is served in juniper or aceviño wood dishes. Fish broth, roasted limpets sprinkled with mojo sauce, sancocho and fresh fish casseroles are good options for seafood cuisine.
Wine and restaurants
On the Island of La Gomera there are good wines, under the denomination of Vinos de la Tierra La Gomera, which you should not miss out on trying, since they are very suitable to accompany the typical island dishes. In the different restaurants of the municipality of Alajeró you will be able to taste all the flavor of this island and its most representative recipes.

Local celebrations
The festivities celebrated in Alajeró take place on
- May 15, Feast of San Isidro.
- July 16, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
- July 25 Santiago Apóstol, Patron Saint of Spain.
- July 26 Santa Ana.
- August 6, El Salvador.
- On August 10 and 15 the festivities of San Lorenzo and San Roque with a pilgrimage.
And the most important of the municipal festivities is the one celebrated in honor of Our Lady La Virgen de El Paso, of which we highlight the Descent of the Virgin to the town of Alajeró, with a religious procession accompanied by chácaras, drums and ballads, daring to say that it is the most important traditional-cultural manifestation of the island.

links of interest
Ayuntamiento de Agulo
Ayuntamiento de Hermigua
Ayuntamiento de Vallehermoso
Ayuntamiento de Valle Gran Rey
Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián de La Gomera
Excmo. Cabildo insular de La Gomera